PLEASE NOTE: This website was valid from September 1997 until July 1998, and is no longer current. NAEC

Learning about learning

This page provides an overview of the proposed course contents. Each topic will also be associated with a task.

Session One Building online learning communities
Discussion: What are some of the characteristics of successful (offline) communities and how can we bring these to the online learning environment?
Session Two Learning through collaboration
Discussion: What helps us to collaborate effectively?
Session Three Collaborating about our learning
Discussion: What content is most helpful for the remaining course? The following content is proposed. The participants may prioritise this list or propose a course tailored to group needs.
Session Four Learning then
Discussion: What is the legacy of behaviourism and humanism in our current practise?
Session Five Learning now
Discussion: What do cognitive and constructivist theories offer us in practical terms?
Session Six Learning through doing
Discussion: How can; situated cognition, cognitive apprenticeships, learning by designing, moos, muses and goal based scenarios, inform our practice.
Session Seven Learning styles
Discussion: Which learning styles theories might best inform our practice: eg Kolb's; learning reflecting, experimenting, theorizing, and doing or Gardiner's theory of multiple intelligences, or?

Session Eight

Learning about our learning
A time for review, evaluation and closure.