This is the document collaboratively created in SubEthaEdit by the participants in the Unleashing Creativity session at Navcon.
Catalysts for creativity
Open questions
being involved in real learning
Non-conventional influences
Inspiration (not the software)
Emotional/spiritual awareness
Technical ability, and the ability to evaluate, review and implement technical ability
Proper equipment and facilities
Taking risks and knowing there is no wrong answer
An open classroom where all can feel they belong
Having the freedom/support to take risks and learn from one another
Context that is engaging & initially experiential.
Openess to ideas
Creativity modelled by the teacher
Support ideas no matter how wild. We have a group of lead students that rarely work on formal activities in class but rather discuss ponder share and often complete the formal assignment material in their own time.
No possibility is ever discounted
Encouragement to persevere
Confidence that peers will give everyone space
As teachers we should be able to model a willingness to have a go and fail so they see it is ok
Allow kids to make mistakes and encourage them to take risks
But surely we need to be able to model both success and failure
Very often we ask kids to think, but have we actually taught them how to?
That is a very good comment
Knowing that a mistake is a learning experience
Co-operative learning
Making a mistake is not a crime but not learning from it is.
The flexibility to allow students freedom to follow their thinking and share through dialogue with their peers
Allowing/encouraging? everybody to contribute and have a go. Looking for open doors rather than how to close them.
Being prepared to risk getting egg on your face.
Number of computers
Inhibitors for creativity
Excessive administrative trivia and striving to complete goals rather than letting learning develop its own structure and life
Too many restrictive rules (although rules are required for filtering chaos into an end-product that's structured and meaningful)
Narrow mindedness / short sightedness (a non-open mind)
Lack of skill (creativity needs to be apparent in some way; without skill with a specific medium, this isn't possible)
Things not working properly
Criticism too early in the process
Controlling environment
Closed questions
Time restrictions
Compliance issues
Teacher confidence
Lack of skills
The overcrowded curriculum
Lack of freedom to explore
Task and assessment orientation
Creativity doesn't happen in a void, it occurs, unplanned at times, in the middle of something else
Hi I'm Mike and I just got here.
Barriers that I have seen
Small fingers can't navigate keyboards well
Teacher impatience, agreed, and teacher perception