It is commonly held that the basis for an innovative and financially healthy nation is the creativity of its adult population in the workplace.
  1. "Our success depends upon mobilising even more effectively the imagination, creativity, skills and talents of all our people. And it depends on using that knowledge and understanding to build economic strength and social harmony,"
Charles Clarke, UK Secretary of State for Education in the government's white paper, The Future of Higher Education, January 2003
I argue that creativity is more important than that, and that it underpins all learning in the development of ideas and concepts and furthermore fulfilment in peoples lives. As a natural part of everyday activity learners are creative in thought (as they listen, read or watch), natural expression (as they speak, play, perform or make) and more formal recorded expressions (as they write, diagram, prove or program a computer). Information & Communications Technology (ICT) can promote such expressive creativity in a number of ways.
Ricardo’s Blagado
Monday, 27 September 2004